Start Your Journey

One global issue that I feel compelled to learn more about is how we as humans can reduce our footprint on the environment. This is mostly due to the fact that in recent years we have begun to see the direct consequences of our non-sustainable lifestyles. I believe that we are currently at a crucial point in time where not everyone is convinced or passionate enough about the protection of our planet to take action, and it is the responsibility of those who are deeply invested in this issue to incite action. Personally, I was first motivated to promote environmentally-friendly behavior after listening to podcasts that hosted esteemed scientists such as Neil deGrasse Tyson and Elon Musk (among many others), and hearing them speak about the severity of our current situation. I think the most effective way of bringing awareness to a global cause such as this one would be to shock audiences with facts on how we as humans are damaging Earth. For example, if I were able to provide pictures or statistics of how our planet looked 100 years ago compared to now, I think that image would have a lasting effect.

After exploring the various Bamboo Tours on, I believe that this organization is providing an incredible opportunity to develop passionate, earth-loving people. I think that offering clients a trip to these remote parts of the world where they can discover what makes our planet so special while also volunteering in restoration projects is such a great idea. In fact, I would love to one day embark on one of the journeys offered by Bamboo Tours myself, as I believe it would be an eye-opening experience.

The podcast with Neil deGrasse Tyson that inspired me to take extensive action in promoting sustainable living

Living in a Digital World

In my personal experience, technology has played an incredibly large role in increasing and developing my connections and relationships with others. For example, during the beginning of Sophomore year, a group of us who were enrolled in the same AP World History course made a group chat. I had no idea at the time that some of the people in that group conversation that I did not know would become my best friends by senior year. Another example is that I have connected with people I never would have otherwise through Xbox Live parties. Those people are some of my closest friends.

Overall, I believe that the negative impact of technology, specifically an addictive dependence to technology is overstated. From my experience, the majority of people have adapted a healthy balance of tech integration in their lives by the time they are adults. Technology is a fantastic way to increase our ability to connect with each other.

A network made possible only through a recent advance in technology

Takeaways from Design Thinking

After spending the time to truly learn and understand the principles of “design thinking”, I’ve realized that I can easily incorporate them into my own project. For example, during the brainstorming process I naturally started the first step “Empathize”. I tried to think what my target audience would really appreciate or desire from my project. Now, I am currently on the “Define” step. I am spending time defining every parameter of my project so that I have a clear idea of what I will be working towards in the future. I have the main parts of the project down, and I now just have to decide on the specific details. After that, I will be able to move on to the “Prototype” step, and from there, the final “Test” step.

I also spent time organizing the main focus points of my project in the “How Might We…” designing thinking challenge. It looks something like this:

  • How might we: raise awareness & interest
  • for: residents of Northborough and Southborough
  • by designing a: documentary on local restaurants
  • with: head chef interviews & shots of their cooking process
The elements of “Design Thinking” that I plan to incorporate in my Innovations Project

Blog Post #2

  • Three ideas for my project:
    • A YouTube channel that makes official music videos/visuals for songs that do not have one
      • This one speaks to me the most. I have an intense passion for music and often times when I am listening to a song I naturally visualize certain images and scenes. I would love to be able to produce videos that exhibit this feeling and vision that I receive when hearing a song
      • Personal Development: If I pursue this idea, I would have to learn a great deal about video production, a challenge that I am eager to take on. The process of learning and progressing as a video producer would certainly lead to personal development
      • Technical Development: As explained above, if I were to start this YouTube channel, I would require a lot of learning on video production. This would be a valuable asset in my technical skill set
      • Impact on Others: I hope that my videos would not only entertain but inspire my viewers.
    • A platform for artists with similar interests to share their work and collaborate
    • A website that keeps updated rankings/articles for sport betting activities such as fantasy football and March Madness
One of my favorite music videos of all time that inspired me to attempt video production

Blog Post #1

If school did not have any subjects and the only criterion was learning, I would chose to learn about art. This is due to the fact I genuinely enjoy learning about art and advancing my art skills. From an early age I have been incredibly passionate about art, specifically sketching and painting. I will often draw in my free time for relaxation purposes. In high school, I have taken Art I and Art II, and am currently enrolled in Advanced Art I. However, one of my biggest regrets of high school is that I did not take more art courses. I plan to pursue my passion in college and further develop my skills.

My most recent painting I completed as a gift (subject: Bob Marley)